Here at CTS Wholesale we are always looking for enthusiastic and hard-working individuals who are keen to join our highly successful team. We have a wide variety of roles within our business in both our office and warehouse along with a number of team members who are home-based.
To help you understand the type of roles we have please see the list below:
• Customer Support – Sales Support & Administration and Customer Service
• Finance
• IT
• Regional Sales Managers
• Purchasing
• Operations and working as part of our warehouse team
Current Vacancies
We currently have an opportunities for regional sales managers and warehouse operatives to join our established team. If you think this could be you, please complete the form below.
Let us hold your details for the future
As with most businesses vacancies crop up regularly and with our ambitious goals to continue to expand and develop this will result in the need to build our team further. We would welcome you providing us with some essential information about you and your CV, which we would hold until a suitable vacancy arises, so please feel free to complete the questions below and submit your details.
We would hold the personal details of potential applicants for up to 6 months, more detail relating to this and our GDPR statement can be found below.